List of past and upcoming trips and presentations.
- 23-25 March. Sofia. Presenting WHIR 🌪️ at ZKProof7 .
- 4-8 May. Madrid. Presenting WHIR 🌪️ at EUROCRYPT25 .
- 19 May - 15 August. Berkeley. Attending Cryptography: 10 Years Later at Simons .
- 6-11 July. Longyearbyen. Presenting towards lattice based polynomial commitments at ArticCrypt25 .
- 2-6 December. Milan. Presented UC-secure zkSNARKs🌍 at TCC24 .
- 28 November. Zurich. Presented WHIR 🌪️ at IBM Research Zurich .
- 8 November. Online. Presented WHIR 🌪️ at Nexus speaker series and sumcheck builder group .
- 30 October. Lausanne. Presented UC-secure zkSNARKs🌍 , STIR 🥣 and WHIR 🌪️ at BSA EPFL .
- 16 October. Online. Presented STIR 🥣 at Nexus speaker series and sumcheck builder group .
- 12-13 September. Munich. Presented STIR 🥣 at TUM Blockchain Conference .
- 2 September. St Gallen. Presented STIR 🥣 at Swiss Crypyo Day .
- 18-22 August. Santa Barbara. Presented STIR 🥣 at CRYPTO24 .
- 5-9 August. London. Visiting Khanh at KCL .
- 3 July. Online. Presented STIR 🥣 at Starkitecture.
- 26-30 May. Zurich. Presented SLAP 👋 at EUROCRYPT24 .
- 22-24 May. Berlin. Presented STIR 🥣 , SLAP 👋 , UC-secure zkSNARKs🌍 and Blendy 🍹 at ZKProof6 .
- 8-14 April. Athens. Presenting STIR 🥣 at zkSummit11 .
- 11-14 March. New York. Presented UC-secure zkSNARKs🌍 at NYU .
- 8-11 March. Philadelphia. Presented UC-secure zkSNARKs🌍 at Penn .
- 4-8 March. Boston. Presented UC-secure zkSNARKs🌍 at BUSec .