STIR: Reed–Solomon Proximity Testing with Fewer Queries

This blog-post is a short introduction to our new work: “STIR: Reed-Solomon Proximity Testing with Fewer Queries”. This is joint work with Gal Arnon , Alessandro Chiesa , and Eylon Yogev , and the full version is available on ePrint . Code is also available at WizardOfMenlo/stir . Here are also some slides that might be helpful, the recording of the talk at zkSummit11 , and our episode on zkPodcast ....

February 2024 · Gal Arnon, Alessandro Chiesa, Giacomo Fenzi, Eylon Yogev

STIR: Setting Parameters

Our recent work, STIR 🥣 (See 2024/390 and blog-post. ) is an IOPP for RS codes with improved query complexity compared to the state-of-the art, FRI. Compared to FRI, STIR has a few more parameters that one can tweak, which can have a rather large impact on prover time, verifier time and argument size. This short blurb details what these parameters are, and how they translate, concretely, in the resulting argument....

February 2024 · Giacomo Fenzi