This page contains a few short blurbs, tips and tricks. All the little things that I thought was worthwhile to highlight but did not find space in the paper or blog posts.
Doing mixed matrix commitments (MMCS) with STIR & WHIR
This post looks at Plonky3 and combining Mixed Matrix Commitment Schemes with STIR 🥣 and WHIR 🌪️ as the low-degree test. As far as I understand, the problem that we are aiming to solve is the following: The prover has committed to a matrix of functions (note the possibly different number of columns in each row) $$ \begin{bmatrix} f_{1, 1}, \dots, f_{1, n_1} \\ \vdots \\ f_{m, 1}, \dots, f_{m, n_m} \end{bmatrix} $$...